Welcome to the World of SalesforceQueen

Welcome to the World of SalesforceQueen

Welcome to my world, fellow salesforce.com admins. This blog is my attempt to corral all of my “a-ha!” moments while I sift through the world of salesforce.com administration and share with fellow admins those shining moments in, (let’s face it) sometimes an environment that reminds me more of a less glamorous version of storming the beaches at Normandy.

For those that would love to know my credentials, my background is in IT/computer science and I have worked at several companies as their lead salesforce.com administrator since 2005. I’ve recently gone on a certifications quest after having only my Admin cert since 2009 and now I’m also a Certified Developer, Advanced Administrator, and Sales Cloud Consultant. I’m extremely proud of these certs, as my Facebook Timeline will show you! I also presented at one session during Dreamforce 2006 as well as several customer webinars over my years as an admin and and look forward to presenting at future salesforce.com events.

I’m a firm believer in the salesforce.com community and attempt to interact with other admins such as myself as much as I can, even if it’s not online! We have so much to share with each other, and my goal with this blog is to spread the word and teach others my triumphs and also failures so others can succeed!

For more info, check out my About.Me page.